Cyclone Freddy 2023

Very Intense Tropical Cyclone Freddy was the longest lasting and highest ACE (accumulated cyclone energy) producing storm ever recorded worldwide. In March 2023 it killed 400 Malawians and much, if not all, communications had been cut off along with the electricity. The devastation from this record-shattering storm was both brutal and intense. By the grace of God, Compassion International Ministries had already organized and sent help to those in need before many other organizations had even realized the storm had happened. Because of the friendship and communications between the ministry partners it was possible to bypass red tape that might hinder the help that was so desperately needed and help was received in less than 4 days. Because 100% of the donations to Compassion International Ministries goes directly into the ministry, we were able to mobilize ministers very quickly and efficiently. Many of the leaders went out to seek, find and rescue people with their own hands, digging them from mud, debris and collapsing structures of all kinds. Many Malawians lost absolutely everything including their homes, clothes, food, furnishings, etc. during Cyclone Freddy and unfortunately more than 400 even lost their lives. As much of the world looked on, but were unable to help, Compassion International Ministries was already on the ground bringing practical help and supplies to the people, families and communities effected. Being the hands and feet of Jesus by delivering clothes, shoes, food, water buckets, blankets, tarps and more proved to be a much needed blessing to many who had just endured the worst tragedy of their lives.

After this absolutely devastating disaster, Lead Pastor Michael Matewele Phiri was strong and courageous and preached at a funeral where upwards of 300 people ended up giving their lives to Jesus Christ. We know that God works everything together for the good of those who love Him, and who are called according to His purpose and this event has been no exception.

At Compassion International Ministries it is our prayer that God would continue to use us to help heal, strengthen and encourage the beautiful people of Malawi, which is widely and affectionately known as “the warm heart of Africa.”

Please consider helping our work and ministry by making a donation or gift of any size or amount as there is still so much to do, and may the Lord bless you abundantly in every way.


Prayer Mountain


15 Baptized!